Slicethepie Bot Download

2020. 2. 18. 00:29카테고리 없음

Slicethepie Bot Download

WelcomeOur Team did their best to make software for Humanatic reviewer! The programmers did their job just wonderful! We’vetested the software on our account and the results are AWESOME! With ourfree “Humanatic Invasion Ver.13.0003” you can now review more calls even you have slow internet connection.Note:This is not a form of cheating, OurTeam only extract the codes on humanatic websites and encode it on oursoftware. This will help and allow those humanatic reviewers with slowinternet connection to load well and faster the calls.This software will also benefit the Century Interactive Company becausehumanatic reviewer will become more efficient and accurate in reviewing acalls using our 200% volume feature.

I came across a little while ago, oh how exploitable.Figured I could make some easy cash everyday if I had a program toautomatically leave reviews so I spent a few days figuring out how thesite is compiled and how the artist and track info is embedded into theflash player. I'm sharing it so more people use it, therefore making itharder for them to tell if someone is running a bot.September 11, 2013DOWNLOAD HERE:Steps to make a little free cash everyday for doing nothing:1.

Slicethepie Bot Download For Pc

Download the bot:2. Make an account at and login to it3. Open the bot4. Set the posting speed (will post at a random time in specified time-frame)5. Set the rating to +/-2 (if your accuracy drops below 87% set to +/-1, if your accuracy goes over 90% set it to +/-3 or 4 )6. Set how many hours you want the bot to run7.

Enter a scouting room and click on start in the bot8. Get free cash. It's a simple program, all it does is read the artist and track infothat is embedded in the flash player and then using the site's currentaspx file, it finds that track's current rating. It will then give it arandom rating within the range you set it at, and post a comment fromthe archive, which contains over 12,000 comments scraped from variousmusic videos on youtube. Each comment gets used only once then afterthey have all been used they get re-hashed into a different variation ofthe original one so it doesn't post duplicate comments.Tracks that are posted as Anonymous will usually lower your accuracybecause it can't search for the track's current rating so it gives it arandom vote between 3 and 7, set it to +/-1 to get your accuracy backup.Don't get greedy, keep your accuracy under 90% to avoid suspicion. It'smaking you free money, if you want more run it on another computer with adifferent account and ip address.Don't run the bot all day long, somebody rating songs for 20 hours a day is going to catch some attention.PLEASE USE YOUR MIND IN ESTIMATING HOURS OF USE.DONT RUN THE BOT CONTINUOUSLY.RESPECT THE CREATOR.