Heatherette For Mac

2020. 2. 7. 21:06카테고리 없음

  1. Heatherette For Mac Download
  2. Heatherette For Mac Pro
  3. Heatherette For Mac Os
Heatherette For Mac

Heatherette For Mac Download

MAC Heatherette is live on the website (w00t! This is long awaited by MAC fans and very exciting although I must say that I disagree with all the hype simply because MAC Fafi was the holy grail Collection for me personally. Someone explained that it was a video shown in a loop in the 'background' of a MAC store? Anyone have any clue? Since it literally made me.


Heatherette For Mac Pro

‘s Heatherette collection was released not too long ago, and I’ve finally had a chance to check it out. The collection does a great job of representing the Heatherette brand, which always serves up great club looks and edgy pieces. Not only are the designers great spokespersons for their own brands, but you only have to look at the list of celebrities who wear their clothing to realize what their look is.

Gwen Stefani and Pink have worn Heatherette designs, and they were first sold at Patricia Field’s own boutique ( she was the stylist for Sex and the City). Heatherette collections are always slightly ’80’s and always over the top and that’s exactly what this MAC collection is too! Lets just say that if Boy George was in the market for some new makeup, he’d probably go for the Heatherette eye palettes since they’re in the shape of cassettes ( yeah, remember those?). Without further ado: pictures! Nail Lacquer in Lola Devine.

This is a pretty cream coral colour that was a surprise. It’s too nice to be Heatherette. There’s also a silver shade of nail polish as part of this collection and that’s more edgy. This collection is definitely not for the faint of heart, since it also features some bright pink lipglass and lipsticks, but it’s perfect for the spring since we’ll be seeing many bright colours this season. If you want something from the collection head to your local MAC counter on the double, since this collection sold out quickly online.

Heatherette For Mac

Heatherette For Mac Os

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